
Monday, February 18, 2019

A Comparison Of Contemporary And Romance Literature :: essays research papers

A Comparison of Contemporary and Romance LiteratureContemporary books in the form of a short level consists of a plot,characters, point of view, setting, and story (2). These elements can vary agreat deal from one story to the next. An author of a short story also revealsa annotation and a mood shown by his or her style of writing. Although squeeze writings contains the elements mentioned above, they are very different thanthose in short stories and are close to static from one tale to the next.Romance literature is ab extinct the adventures of knights and the geological formation ofchivalry (794). A romance does not take place in a normal setting, but inidealized worlds such as imaginary castles, gardens, or forests (794). Aromance contains mysterious and supernatural events (794). Although thither aremany residuums between contemporary and romance literature, the one differencethat distinguishes them the most is the characters. A main character incontemporary literature le ads a very different life than one in romanceliterature.Neighbor Rosicky is a short story of an old farmer, Anton Rosicky,reflecting back on his life. Early in the story, when Anton Rosicky is in thedoctors office, he learns that he has a blue heart and doesnt have much timeleft to live. He thus returns home, plunges into a chair, and begins to sew.While he sews, Rosicky lets his mind run back over his life. He has had manymemorable experiences. Rosicky has lived in London, New York, and now inNebraska. Rosicky, formerly a tailor, now makes a living farming with hischildren. Rudolph, Rosickys oldest son, has well-nigh trouble supporting his wife,Polly. Rosicky makes many sacrifices to help Rudolphs marriage stay together.He loans the family car and gives some money to Rudolph, even though Rosicky isvery unfortunate himself. Spring arrives, and his children are busy working the fields.When no one else is around, Rosicky, disregarding his doctors orders, rakessome thistle plants out of one of his alfalfa fields, but the work is too toughon his heart. Rosicky dies the next day (48-71).Contents of the Dead Mans Pockets is some other short story of someoneanalyzing his life. Tom Benecke is a workaholic who has a months charge of hiswork scribbled on a yellow plane of paper. The wind blows the sheet of paperout of his eleven story apartment window onto the rhetorical corner ornament of theledge about five yards away. Tom climbs out of the window onto the ledge.Immediately after he reaches the sheet of paper, Tom looks eat up and becomes

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