
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Gettysburg Address Analysis

The Gettysburg Address Analysis The famous Gettysburg Address was a speech made by Abraham at the November 19, 1863. At dedication of Soldiers National Cemetery, a cemetery for Union soldiers killed at the battle of gettysburg during American civil war. And what I found interesting g This speech was not going to be one of the most important at that day! However, it was a motivational speech for the citizens of the United States of America. It was a speech made in a time of confusion and sadness for them which generates hope and motivation in them. He was talking about some important issues as the equality of all people making it one of the most recognized speech by the United States, and for some other countries it has been known as a popular and perfect speech Lincoln has done. Gettysburg Address Lincoln spoke to the nation about the past and history; spoke of the nation as a unit as everybody together and gave the nation hope and faith. In a speech that was comprised of only 10 sentences and 272 words. Lincoln was able to strike that would resonate not only with his audience but one that would resonate through time. First one important meaning of Mr. Lincolns speech and which introduced what he will say, he was talking about the history of the nation, giving the nation a national history lesson beginning of what was before, what was at that moment and what will be using the syntax with three different paragraphs, using pause to show clearly the major ideas. He was talking about conceived nation, and more importantly. The country conceived in liberty, in base on and naming the ancestors and the founding fathers, who created a nation with freedom, as an example he said our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty. Reminding everyone how the nation started, how at that moment the people were and how they will do what they will. In addition, the second most important theme is that the Gettysburg Address was talking of the nation as a unit. He is using repetition with the words we, us, people, our, for example, he said, We are met on a great battle-field (Abraham Lincoln Outline). He was showing the audience that everybody is the same, and everybody is at the same level with the same importance. Mr. Lincoln also touched a very important point for anyone since he understood that everyone is equal, and in any situation, the nation will be a unit nation, in which everybody together will help each other equally. He also used several words of the Bible, and knowing that the United States is one of the countries with most Christianity in the world, he knew that will unite them even more, because they felt as one region, as a biblical unity, which will succeed. The President ends by talking of God. and a new type of freedom for the people of the United States by the will of those people and those they have elected to govern the country. The words are also reminiscent of the start of the Constitution We the People. Finally, another important theme in Lincolns speech is that he as knowledgeable person talked about the future, he was talking again with biblical words, as an example he said, We cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow (Abraham Lincoln Outline). He was talking also about freedom, liberty, honor, he was giving the nation new hope; therefore, he changed his mood and tone to create attitude and to change audiences attitude, giving to that part of the needed importance. The speech was also inspiring them to get new goals everyone together as a unit, making them sure they could not stay there and they had to move forward, to understood that things should not stayed there and in a large sense the nation, they had had a new birth and had a new start ahead with goals and hopes for the future. In closing, Mr.Lincolns speech The Gettysburg Address was a speech that is not too long and took the attention of many people, taking their hearts, remembering things of the past, talking about a present what they were living and speaking of a future that will arrive with hope, he also spoke of unity and equality, that all people are equal; therefore, they should not left things there in opposite go ahead for new things, realizing that they had a new birth where they could begin again to improve. It was an encouraging speech for the United States, in which Lincoln was known as a normal person, just like other citizens with goals for the future, giving the nation the encouragement they needed, and helping them to be the nation they are now, with a lot of successful and with a good future ahead. He finishes with a powerful triple that has become famous throughout the world: of the people, by the people, for the people. And I guess this is the real definition of democracy.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Juvenile Delinquency: Genetic or Environmental Essay -- Argumentative

Juvenile Delinquency: Genetic or Environmental â€Å"Oh, well, I’ll end up in jail anyway! It’s in my genes!† This was the heartfelt declaration of a 15 year-old teen. Was it inevitable that he follow in his father’s footsteps on the path of delinquent behavior and subsequent brushes with the law? Was juvenile delinquency actually a by-product of genetics or could it be a product of â€Å"behavioral sink†- that environmental abyss that absorbs so many teens? Definition of delinquency Although arguable on both sides, environment clearly has the lead in determining juvenile behavior. The very definition of juvenile delinquency states: â€Å"Delinquency is a major social problem. Delinquents are likely to come from a background of poverty, to belong to a racial or ethnic group that experiences discrimination, and to live in an urban area. One theory is that children from the poorest part of society lack opportunities to develop in socially acceptable ways and turn to delinquency as a substitute. Another theory is that delinquency is learned behavior, acquired by associating with people who have little respect for the law. A third explanation is that juveniles who are caught and labeled delinquent by the authorities are likely to continue to break the law because that label makes it harder for them to be law-abiding.† (Academic American Encyclopedia,1995,Vol 11, p. 478) Nowhere in this definition is the term genetics or heredity addressed. So, are teenag ers predestined to become delinquents? Definitely not! Each teen has the same opportunity to succeed. His day-to-day environment defines what he will do with this opportunity. Impact of Family on Juveniles A child is a blank slate at birth, eager to absorb and le... ... Allyn and Bacon Rosenberg, et al(2002). Juvenile Delinquency: A Sociological Approach. Biological Explanations of Juvenile Delinquency, ( 5th ed, pp. 109) Boston: Allyn and Bacon Bynam & Thompson(2002). Juvenile Delinquency: A Sociological Approach. Biological Explanations of Juvenile Delinquency, ( 5th ed, pp. 109) Boston: Allyn and Bacon Schauss et al.,(2002). Juvenile Delinquency: A Sociological Approach. Biological Explanations of Juvenile Delinquency, ( 5th ed, pp. 110) Boston: Allyn and Bacon Lonsdale & Shamberger,(2002). Juvenile Delinquency: A Sociological Approach. Biological Explanations of Juvenile Delinquency, ( 5th ed, pp. 111) Boston: Allyn and Bacon Rabin & McCall,(2002). Juvenile Delinquency: A Sociological Approach. Biological Psychogenic Explanations of Juvenile Delinquency, ( 5th ed, pp. 138) Boston: Allyn and Bacon

Saturday, January 11, 2020


Disease concept note: polycystic ovary syndrome A lot of females worldwide tend to naturally shy off the topic of their genital health. They only come out of this devastating cocoon when the situation is far out of hand and beyond control, deeper analysis into this matter will add water to the myth that mortality rates in females are higher become they are ignorant of the most basic diseases. In matters pertaining reproductive health; the general public usually has very small information of the diseases that affect them (dunaif-1997). The general public is usually satisfied with knowledge of the most common sexually transmitted diseases; gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes and chancroid. This information is so trivial in such a vital topic. Apart from the general genitalia disease symptoms, females should be more cautious about their general health as their bodies are prone to bacteria and viruses compared to men.In this concept note I will be dissecting a not so common disease with very common symptoms that females ignore and only speak out when the symptom worsens. This note is meant to help doctors and nurses remedy the situation. To give it an authentic touch I did a web search from reputable institutions and contrasted the findings with one medical analysis I did on a patient. Signs and SymptomsIrregular menstrual cycleIrregular cycle means there is a delay in the monthly periods or having more than one menstrual cycle in a month. A female's regular cycle is usually 28 days. This statistic may differ a little bit in women as their bodies function differently despite having the same genetic traits and metabolic systems. When a patient highlights missing periods after her pregnancy test was negative most doctors are left with a wide range of diseases to ponder on. Among the common diseases that can cause delay of the menses are urine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease and thyroid cancer. Polycystic ovary syndrome is always denoted by delayed menstrual cycles.Acne breakoutThis is one of the most outstanding symptoms as it is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The acne appears and disappears sporadically on the body. If a woman above 40 years complains of severe acne breakout then polycystic ovary syndrome should be tested first.Excess hair growth on the faceWomen faces are normally less hairy than men's' faces so a woman should be really alarmed when she notices rapid hair growth on her ears, nose and most of the time chin. This mostly affects women that have just hit 30 years and have contracted the disease.Restlessness and Sleepless nightsThis usually happens as patients having this disease exhibit high stress levels and cannot willingly focus on sleep or concentrate clearly. A slight interruption when the patient is sleeping makes her lose sleep completely. Rapid weight gain or weight lossDue to irregular hormone supply and imbalance, the metabolism in women will tend to change. The change will vary among the lot as they have different metabolic systems. No matter the case, drastic change in weight always mirrors unseen effects of a disease. Causes Withdrawal effects of family planning methods affect women hormonal systems and this in turn distorts the regular ovulation breakdown cycle. The effects if not medicated can be severe to the point of making the woman in question barren.MedicationFemale Patients under intense medication for long term diseases like cancer, diabetes and tuberculosis often experience delayed menses as their systems have to counter the effects of their prescribed dosages. Stress This is among the most ignored cause of polycystic ovary syndrome yet it holds bearing to a major symptom; restlessness and lack of sleep. A female's frequent exposure to stress prone environments alters the functionality of her limbic system and further her stress then menstrual pattern. Remedies There are natural and medical remedies to this disease.The natural remedies should be tested first then medical to follow later if the later has not helped relieve the symptoms. A keen analysis should be done on the patient to ascertain which Medicine prescription is suitable for her. This will prevent further severity of the underlying symptoms. Natural remedies Eating a balanced diet will help stabilize the metabolic system hence restore the females menses cycle. Pineapple and papaya fruits are a recommendation as they have bromeliad that breaks down uterus walls and flashes out any blockages along the way. A patient should also consider eating small quantities of food regulaly.Regular exercises like yoga and crossfit are good for kick starting the brain. Any workout is good as long as it is regular and comfortable.Distress and self-care will help activate the brain cells. One should at least take time and break from her regular routine. Even a 30 minute break can be very relieving. Reduce salt and caffeine consumption. These two food stuffs inhibit the production of hormones and if not moderated they tend to alter the female reproductive system Medicine recommended are tranexamic acid systematic popularly known as Lysteda. It is a miscellaneous coagulant modifier that helps in restoring back damaged cells in the body. Ethynyl estradiol commonly known as Drospirenone is a drug meant to reverse the withdrawal effects of contraceptives in women.Mineral and vitamin supplements can also be prescribed as their role is to stabilize the production of hormones in the body. References Source of remedies for polcystic ovary syndromehttps://www.drugs.com/condition/menstrual-disorderSource of detailed symptoms to the diseasehttps://rubycup.com/all-about-your-periods/irregular-periodsSource of other genital diseaseshttps://www.healthcommunities.com/menstruationInsulin resistance and the polycystic ovary syndromeEndocrine review by A Dunaif

Friday, January 3, 2020

Malcolm Xs Legendary Speech The Ballot or the Bullet - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1440 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/03/26 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Malcolm X Essay Did you like this example? In his speech, The Ballot or the Bullet, Malcolm X challenges African Americans to practice black nationalism and become more active in their pursuit of equal rights by means of cooperation or violence. Born May 19, 1925 Earl and Louise Little had given birth to a baby boy named Malcolm Little, the fourth child of eight, who would later go on to change his last name to X, to symbolize that his true African name had been lost. Malcolm looked highly of his father, a preacher who was also an active member of the local chapter of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and avid supporter of black nationalist leader Marcus Garvey (Biography.com Editors). From his fathers involvement and status in the civil rights activism movements, Malcolm and his family suffered many attacks and threats from white supremacy groups including the Ku Klux Klan. Supremacists burned his home to flames as a child and killed his father, leaving his mother mentally scarred and unstable, which lead to her arrival in an insane asylum, separating her children into foster homes. At the tender age of 13, Malcolm was kicked out of school and sent to a juvenile detention home, later attending Mason Junior High S chool where he was elected class president by his predominantly white classmates (Biography.com Editors). As well as Malcolm did academically in school, it all came to a stop for him when his school teacher told a heart-wrenching comment that would stick with him forever, his aspirations of being a lawyer were no realistic goal for a nigger It made him feel that there was no place in the white world for a career-oriented black man, no matter how smart he was (Rodgers). Malcolm dropped out of school in the eighth grade at the age of 15. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Malcolm Xs Legendary Speech: The Ballot or the Bullet" essay for you Create order Jobless, a young Malcolm turned to the criminal underworld, and got involved with drugs and theft, which in turn supported him with a lavish lifestyle, until he was caught at the age of 21 charged with larceny. While in prison, X educated himself by reading every book he could get his hands on, making him even more educated and intelligent than he had already proven to be. His newfound knowledge and frequent visits from siblings lead him to make the decision to convert to the Nation of Islam, like most of his brothers and siblings had already done. Malcolm had soon became a minister of a few temples, and preached to the followers of this religious movement that they had the power to fight off segregationist ideals and form their own independent black nation, with or without violence. Malcolm X repeatedly asserted that, there has never been a nonviolent revolution ¦ imploring Black people to take the fight beyond civil rights and expand it to human rights (Daniels). However, in 1964 Malcolm departed from the Nation of Islam for two main reasons, one being his mentors sins and the other on his response to a touchy subject for the American citizens. Malcolms mentor and friend Elijah Muhammad had been conducting affairs with the Nations secretaries, which went against the beliefs both Malcolm and Muhammad had preached for. Second, Malcolm had been angered by the actions of the Nation, so when asked about the assassination of Americas then president, John F. Kennedy, he spoke his truth with no regards for the reaction of the public. When specifically told not to comment on this subject Malcolm stated, the infamous Chickens coming home to roost Saying America reaped what they sowed (McNeil). He furthermore stated murders of black civil rights activist and leaders implying that his assassination should be treated not differently than these Black activists were mourned, leading to a public outcry from all over America. Shortly after Malcolms excommunication and departure from the Nation of Islam, he presented America with one of the most influential and diaguinshed speeches in the history of African American civil rights, The Ballot or the Bullet. Malcolm delivered his notorious speech during the current election year between democrat Lyndon B. Johnson and republican Barry M. Goldwater. This was an influential moment in time for this speech to occur, because Malcolm wanted the Black people of America to know that they had a voice and the power to make equality a reality if they banded together to make a political change in the nations system of government. his target was not to enrage white people in The Ballot or the Bullet, as it was a message of self-help and personal responsibility toward black men and women (McNeil). In his speech, X covered a wide variety of topics concerning to the Black community including: religion, politics, job creations, voting rights and most importantly, human rights . The main message was that African Americans had a choice to move forward with their future and how it can change, by choosing the Ballot, or the Bullet. The Ballot or the Bullet is a wordplay on the infamous phrase by Patrick Henry, Give me liberty, or give me death in which the Ballot represents America giving Black people equal voting rights and the Bullet representing the violence that would occur in the nation if equality was not granted. In his speech, Malcolm X used a series of rhetorical devices to better express his opinions and views on the subject. Malcolms tone throughout the speech was that of much anger and he criticizes American society. His tone reaches the audience in an inspirational way, as he progressively becomes more outraged and translates that through the audience. His goal of the speech was to expose all of the injustices America and its citizens had been committing toward African Americans. His diction was informal as he projects his speech in a way that would make the audience know he was apart of this injustice and so they would easily understand his mindset for those who were uneducated as well as educated. However, he also incorporates a formality into his speech, using strong vocabulary showing that he was a well-educated man, proving that he is perfectly capable of making a change for human rights. He was emotionally charged and his persuasive language and rhetoric made it compelling for th e audience to evoke feelings on the subject of civil rights. Rhetorical questions are said a numerous amount of times to emphasize his point and make the audience question and think about the illogical approaches the government has made progressively for carrying out the Black communities rights. For example, The question tonight, as I understand it, is The Negro Revolt, and Where Do We Go From here? or What Next? (Malcolm X, The Ballot or the Bullet). While Malcolm uses a series of devices in his speech, the most evident was his use of repetition of the speeches title, The Ballot or the Bullet. He repeatedly quotes this significant phrase, because it stays within the audiences mind and draws their attention to the focus of the speech time after time. Another important strategy used, was his use of ethos to strategically convince his audience to to agree and understand where he was coming from. His use of ethos can be found in many instances but when he first began his speech he sta ted this, We all have the same problem. They dont hang you because youre a Baptist; They dont attack me because Im a Muslim; they attack me cause im black. They attack all of us for the same reason (Malcolm X, The Ballot or the Bullet). Ethos is shown through that specific quote, because he was relating himself to the people he was standing up for, creating a sense of credibility. On February 21, 1965, almost a year after his monumental speech, Malcolm X was shot down and assassinated by members of The Nation of Islam while he was speaking at a rally in New York City. While Malcolm was alive, many people, outside of his supporters, viewed him as a babble- mouth who preached for violence, but after his death, America started to view his ideologies in a different perspective. The publication of his autobiography skyrocketed and movements were created in honor of his legacy. Malcolm Xs speech is classified as a great American speech because of the way he connected to his audience, expressed his radical ideals, empowered a change in the government, and showed the Black community that they are capable of creating a new future for themselves by any means big or small. His impact on American society and his legacy will forever stay current, to inspire our nation at the lowest times, Because power, real power, comes from our conviction which produces action, uncompro mising action (Biography.com Editors).